Laser eye surgery is one of the forms of vision correction involving changing the shape of the cornea. Alternatives may include phakic lens implants and clear lens exchange. Generally speaking laser eye surgery works on the front of the cornea to change the shape adjusting the focal length for one particular distance and in individuals under the age of 40 who retains their natural ability to focus up close this can result in an excellent focal range from distance up to close vision. As we get older laser vision correction is less able to correct both distance and near because of the natural impaired focusing of the eye (presbyopia).
With Lasek an alcohol solution is used to loosen and peel the epithelium to expose the cornea. The excimer laser then resculpts the cornea and the epithelium is placed back into position.
Lasik is a combined microsurgical and laser procedure used to correct near sightedness, long sightedness and astigmatism. In Lasik we use a laser microkeratome to make a thin flap in the cornea which is then lifted up. The excimer laser is then applied beneath the flap and then the flap is replaced and allowed to heal. No sutures are necessary.
Excimer Laser
The laser can be programmed with different treatment patterns and for the majority of cases we use a wavefront optimised to enhance visual quality.
Phakic lens implants are for people with high degrees of prescription which cannot be safely corrected with corneal based laser surgery. The phakic lens implant, sometimes referred to as an implantable contact lens, is placed inside the eye in front of the natural lens. The natural lens is not removed so the pre-existing ability to focus is retained.
Laser eye surgery faqs