A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens of the eye. Treatment options including continuing without an operation, glasses or contact lens and surgical extraction with a replacement lens implant.
A number of lens choices are available including single vision lenses, toric astigmatism correcting lenses, bifocal and trifocal lenses. Your suitability will be determined according to your preference, your eye examination and your consultation with Mr. Kheterpal, who will advise you accordingly.
A referral from a general practitioner or optometrist is usually required for cataracts. Assessment is then carried by Mr. Kheterpal followed by appropriate testing for lens measurements and implantation if required. Surgery is usually carried out within two to four weeks under local anaesthetic as a day case.
The operation usually takes less than half an hour and you are in the surgical centre under half a day.
We usually advise two days rest at home initially followed by taking things easy for a week. Light exercise can be commenced after that time and vigorous exercise after two weeks. Swimming should be avoided for four weeks and make-up can be applied after two weeks. We recommend no short haul travel for two weeks and long haul travel for four weeks.
There are small risks associated with cataract surgery as with any operation. The risks can be divided broadly into two categories. Firstly, risks of the operation itself which can very rarely result in loss or reduction of vision which may not be correctable with glasses or contact lenses. There is also a risk of over correction in terms of the lens prescription and a very small risk of intolerance of the vision associated with a particular lens necessitating an exchange of that lens.
Mr. Kheterpal consults at the Bridge Clinic in Maidenhead, Spire Thames Valley Hospital in Wexham, Princess Margaret Hospital in Windsor and Optegra in Guildford. Cataract surgery is normally carried out at Spire Thames Valley Hospital or Optegra in Guildford or at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Windsor.
Most insurance companies cover most of the cost of cataract surgery. There are different reimbursement measurements. Mr. Kheterpal’s fees for surgery are as listed. There may be additional charges for specific enhancements to the procedure including premium lens implants.